Monday, March 5, 2012

2nd Annual Anderbrodton Classic

I finally loaded up one of the video's I shot during the Anderbrodton Classic up on Vermilion. It's about a 7 minute video that I didn't yet edit. I was hesitant to even post it because...well.... I look and sound like an idiot...and the camera added 10 pounds thus making my face look really fat.

Anyway hopefully my video adventures end up being a whole lot more professional in the future. Maybe I'll actually give some thought to what I want to say, add in some voice over and theme music. Probably not but you can imagine.

So sit back and enjoy viewing some small fish. I mean really, who takes video of fish totaling maybe a couple 13-14 pounds?!

Vermilion Video

Rather than have a link I'd prefer to be able to play it right from the blog. However there seems to be a limitation with my blogpress app on my iPad. I've got to figure out a work around. Better get the kinks out now so I can post the future TFR's.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. We caught quite a few in that range. Fun trip! I want to see the top five from Fork!
